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Copyright © Ron Myers & Mekong (Isan) Bible Translation Project; All Rights Reserved. |
Home Church: Shadow Mountain Community Church "A Congregation of Baptist Believers" Dr. David Jeremiah, Sr. Pastor 2100 Greenfield Dr. El Cajon, CA 92019 shadowmountain.org Ron served on the SMCC Board of Deacons for ten years, where he also served as Deacon Board Secretary and a member of the Deacon Executive Committee. He also pastor-taught the Cambodian Bible Fellowship of San Diego, and worked with Thai and Lao communities as opportunity arose.
Cheryl was past Chair in the Education Department of San Diego Christian College, an affiliate of SMCC.
Both served long-term as Sunday-service Altar Counselors. Ron is translating a much-needed New Testament into the Thai language to counteract the present faulty translations. Ron finished the Isan New Testament translation in 2016, a 20-year project, where he returned to Thailand yearly to check, print and distribute newly-completed Isan Scripture books, as well as visit and teach believers. While in the States, beside working on the new Thai New Testament translation, Ron also does ffriendship evangelism and writes evangelistic pass-out cards and other materials. He previooously pastor-taught the Cambodian Bible Fellowship of San Diego, and worked with the Asian population in general. Cheryl was past Chair the Department of Education at San Diego Christian College where she also taught English, Linguistics, and headed up the teacher training program.
NOTE: In December 2014, a Wycliffe Bible Translators colleague, after having checked portions of the Isan New Testament, concluded that it meets their standards... saying he considered it to be an "adequate" New Testament for the Isan people.
FOLLOWUP: It needs saying here that the Isan New Testament is much more than merely "adequate." It was purposefully translated from the Majority/TR Greek text--from which the KJV and NKJV were translated--using a formal translation style (formerly called literal style). It was checked and rechecked numberous times for accuracy to the Majority/TR Greek text and fluency in the Isan language by native Isan speakers. It was also proofread by five native Isan speakers and any resulting suggestions were dilligently considered.
UPDATE-1:> Ron and his Isan translation team finished the Isan New testament at 12:10 PM, Thailand time, on December 14, 2012, one week after his 71st birthday. That was followed with a two-year indepth final review for accuracy and fluency. It was then checked by four Isan proofreaders. The first printing was done in June, 2016 accompanied by a dedication and distribution ceremony, attendned by 50 Isan Pastors and missionaries.
UPDATE-2:>UPDATE-2: Starting in 2018, Ron and a former Wycliffe Bible Translator (WBT) missionary to Laos, began work on a Lao New Testament version of the Isan New Testament, essentially converting the Thai script Isan version into Laotian script -- the Isan language being a sub-dialect of Laotian. This endeavor was completed in late 2019 and is featured on LaoBible.net. The Lao missionary remarked that he believed the Lao-Isan New Testament (called 'Spoken Lao' Version) was equal to or possibly better than the best available Lao version to-date.
UPDATE-3:> Starting in 2022, Ron, with the help of a former Wycliffe Bible Translator (WBT) missionary to Laos, began work on a new much-needed common language Thai New Testament (called the 'Spoken Thai Version"). This is being done using the Thai script Isan version into a new Thai version as a data basem convertting all Isan terms and expressions into Central Thai.
It's a more accurate than all Thai New Testaments presently available (except the Thai KJV). Unfortunately, this is due to certain translators purposefully mis-translating key verses that clearly teach Salvation by Grace alone, through faith alone and the eternal secure position and heritage of every believer--converting Gods free gift of Salvation and Eternal Life into a works-based religion.
Note: These people will face God to give account for their insolence--seeing there are numerous Bible passages warning tampering with written Scripture, and the dire consequences for doing such.
Missionaries to the Twenty-plus Million Bibleless
As they serve the Lord in San Diego, Ron and Cheryl continue to sense the great need and the unfinished task in Northeast Thailand, especially in the Isan region. Thus, they are looking to God for direction and provision as they raise support to return to minister among the Isan people, and complete the Isan New Testament. Please pray for them to this end, that God would open doors and supply their needs to return to continue their work in Thailand. Meanwhile, Ron continues to work on the Isan Bible translation from his office, of which the Isan New Testament is now nearing completion. As the initial draft of each book is completed, Ron does the final checking and editing process in Thailand, enlisting the help of his trained translation assistants. Then, after each book is thoroughly checked for accuracy at least three times, and then proofread and any final corrections made, Ron the formats the text, preparing it for printing. After printing is completed in Bangkok, the finished books are distributed among existing churches and mission organizations throughout Northeast Thailand. |
Baptist World Missionary Outreach Ministries
Raised in a United Presbyterian heritage, Ron remembers it as being a positive influence for good. However, he doesn't recall ever hearing a clear-cut Gospel presentation, or admonition to receive Christ. That being said, his Presbyterian heritage has given him a lasting fondness and appreciation for the timeless hymns of the faith; in that their words express deep spiritual insight and depth of meaning that the greater majority of modern material is lacking. Ron stopped attending church during his teen years, yet thoughts of God continued to linger. At age twenty-one, Ron encountered a crisis point in his life, whereupon he sought God for answers. As a result, he became convicted of his lost condition and received Christ, after which his life took a dramatic aboutface. Later, while reading scripture, God challenged Ron to serve Him. He subsequently surrendered, after a period of counting the cost. Cheryl, a paternal twin and the eldest of six siblings, also grew up in the Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York. Despite their close proximity in adjacent towns, neither Cheryl or Ron knew each other. Her dad being a pastor, Cheryl became a Christian at age seven. Through various visiting missions speakers staying with her parents, and through the influence of her missionary-Aunt, Cheryl was exposed to foreign missions from an early age, to which she made a commitment during her youth.However, while pursuing an education degree at college, the desire to pursue missionary service waned. Upon graduating, she returned and taught music education in her local school alma mater. Then, during a crisis period in her own life, the Lord again reminded her of her earlier commitment of missions service, to which she later responded. This occurred the same day as Ron, while they were attending her dad's church service. Yielding to God's call on their lives: Ron and Cheryl conferred with their pastors, and were married in August 1969. After a brief honeymoon, they entered training for career missions service under the auspices of New Tribes Mission. Whereupon, after successfully completing over three years of intensive Bible, language and culture training; and, upon Ron's ordination and Cheryl's commissioning, they arrived in Thailand in mid-1973. While in Thailand, God blessed and rewarded their diligence in culture, language and linguistic studies, acceptance by the people, evangelism, church planting, teaching, and eventually Bible translation. There, their children grew up among the people, and later completed their primary education within their own cultural setting at a Mission boarding school.
After many years of service under the auspices of NTM, and while on furlough in 1986, God opened new doors of service in San Diego among Asian Refugees.
As the refugee influx receded, Ron and Cheryl returned to Thailand in 1991. There, they continued the Bible translation, teaching, and church-planting ministries among the Isan people. Then, during their third term in Thailand, due to financial setbacks and other unforeseen events, they were forced to return to San Diego. Presently, Ron continues to work towards the completion of the Isan New Testament, while Cheryl works to help support their ministry.
Now in San Diego, they return to Thailand to minister on a regular basis – sensing the great unmet spiritual need there. This is especially great in the Isan region where they serve the Lord among the rural peasant farmer populace. They are looking to God for good health, timing, direction, and provision as they raise support to return to minister among the Isan people to further advance their work there, including distributing the Isan New Testament and developing more needed foundational teaching materials. Please pray for them to this end, that God would open doors for the Myers. Do prayerfully consider what part God might have for you in helping to send them back to Thailand.
August 26
Ron & Cheryl Myers
El Cajon, CA Email: ronmyers 'at' isanbible 'dot' org Websites: isanbible.org, isanpeople.org |
Favorite Verse:
"For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake. (6) For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (7) But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."
Personal Motto: "The greatest job, the greatest joy, the greatest privilege in all the world, is to give one’s life to serve the Lord, taking God’s eternal, life-giving Word to those still sitting in abject spiritual darkness at the uttermost, unreached ends of the Earth - until Christ returns."
Vision & Purpose: Motivated by God's love and in obedience to the Great Commission, we endeavor to speed God's eternal life-giving Word to the twenty-plus million Bibleless Isan people of Northeast Thailand, and others beyond, translated accurately into their own heart language.
This, including producing foundational, culturally-relevant evangelism and teaching materials, to the end that the Thai and Isan people would truly understand and receive Christ, grow in Grace, and become mature, productive believers |
Formal Education:
Auxiliary Training, Workshops & Seminars:
Education and Personal Pursuits
1) David: Jan 25 BS Aviation (incomplete) - San Diego Christian College; Dave is presently dealing with the aftereffects of a serious construction accident that nearly took his life, leaving him partially handicapped. Our thoughts and prayers are with Dave daily, that he will find God's grace sufficient. (Dave was preparing to return to Bible school in pursuit of a career in missions when it occurred.) 2) Angela: Feb 08 BA - Education from San Diego Christian College: Teacher, Married with two growing daughters. (Presently teaching school and raising her family with husband Jeff.) 3) Michelle: May 29 BSN - Nursing from BIOLA Univ.; Master's Degree in Public Health from San Diego State Univ. (Presently District School Nurse in the San Diego County School Systems, CA.) 4) Daniel: Sep 15 BS - Business Administration from San Diego Christian College: (Presently employed at Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Accounting Department, San Diego.) |